Balint's Syndrome and Its Symptoms and Treatment

This rare condition is caused by a problem in the brain

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Balint’s syndrome is a relatively rare cause of an unusual pattern of vision problems. It is a type of vision disturbance that occurs due to brain damage, even when the eyes and the nerves that control the eyes are normal.

Balint's syndrome is caused by damage to the parietal lobe. The parietal lobe is the part of the brain that uses visual input to give you a sense of spatial awareness.

The article describes Balint's syndrome, including the symptoms, causes, and treatment.

Man lying on couch with closed eyes
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3 Main Symptoms of Balint's Syndrome

Balint’s syndrome is a rare neurological condition. It is often described as a visual disturbance, but people who have Balint's syndrome usually have normal vision. They just can't make sense of what they see and often can't interact with the things they see.

This condition causes a triad of symptoms:

  • Oculomotor Apraxia: Impaired ability to intentionally move your eyes towards an object.
  • Optic Ataxia: The inability to accurately reach for something you're looking at.
  • Visual Simultagnosia: An inability to see the whole picture. With Balint's syndrome, you only see parts of the whole. For example, when shown a picture of a house, you would only see a window, a door, a wall, and so on, but not the entire house. Elements of the picture may also be missed.

When you have Balint’s syndrome, you depend on your other senses to guide you. You may, for example, need to keep a hand on the sink in order to know where it is in the bathroom. You may not be able to use utensils at the table since you can’t use your vision to aim your hand to pick up a fork or a spoon.

In addition, it may be impossible to read, since simultagnosia means you may only see one letter at a time, and you may not be able to put that letter into the context of a word or sentence.

What Causes Balint's Syndrome?

Balint's syndrome usually results from damage to both posterior regions of the parietal lobes, near the occipital lobes. The parietal lobes are the areas of your brain that let you know where you are, as well as where other objects are in relation to each other. The occipital lobes integrate what you are seeing.

When symptoms come on suddenly, they're likely due to stroke. However, other disorders can lead to Balint's syndrome such as:

  • Tumors
  • Trauma
  • Pre-eclampsia
  • Alzheimer’s disease
  • Parkinson's disease
  • HIV encephalitis
  • Low blood pressure

How Is Balint's Syndrome Diagnosed?

If you have a vision test, your vision can be perfect with Balint's syndrome because the condition does not affect your visual acuity (how clear things look) or cause a defect in your visual field testing.

An optometrist or ophthalmologist will likely give you a referral to a neurologist. Your neurological testing may include tests that assess how you interact with the things you see, and how you use objects.

You are also likely to have a brain imaging test, such as a brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) test. This may show bilateral damage to the posterior parietal lobes.

How Balint's Syndrome Is Treated

There is no cure for Balint's syndrome. Occupational therapy, in some cases, can help you recover some independence. While different approaches have been suggested, no one approach is clearly the best.

It may be helpful to consider using techniques designed to assist those who are blind. Your therapist may suggest ways to use your other senses to replace damaged perception.

To cope with your condition, you may need to make some adjustments. For example, audio books can be used instead of usual reading material, and podcasts may replace television viewing. 


Balint's syndrome is a condition that causes difficulty processing visual information and interacting with the things you see. It is not a problem with the eyes, but rather with the part of the brain that helps you orient yourself in your environment.

Balint's syndrome can have various causes including stroke, brain tumor, trauma, and neurodegenerative diseases. There is no cure, but occupational therapy can help people with the condition regain some of their independence. 

5 Sources
Verywell Health uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. Read our editorial process to learn more about how we fact-check and keep our content accurate, reliable, and trustworthy.
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  2. Ghoneim A, Pollard C, Greene J, Jampana R. Balint syndrome (chronic visual-spatial disorder) presenting without known cause. Radiol Case Rep. 2018;13(6):1242-1245. doi:10.1016/j.radcr.2018.08.026

  3. Heutink J, Indorf DL, Cordes C. The neuropsychological rehabilitation of visual agnosia and Balint's syndrome. Neuropsychol Rehabil. 2019;29(10):1489-1508. doi:10.1080/09602011.2017.1422272

  4. Klocke P, Whalen-Browne A, Hepworth E, Panju M. Occurrence of Balínt syndrome in a patient with hypereosinophilic syndrome. Preprints 2020, doi:10.20944/preprints202006.0195.v1

  5. Heutink J, Indorf DL, Cordes C. The neuropsychological rehabilitation of visual agnosia and Balint's syndrome. Neuropsychol Rehabil. 2019;29(10):1489-1508. doi:10.1080/09602011.2017.1422272

By Peter Pressman, MD
Peter Pressman, MD, is a board-certified neurologist developing new ways to diagnose and care for people with neurocognitive disorders.